
'Miss Belinda'

And When I CameThrough the Other End...

After my terrible breakup that made me write all these mean songs in this series, I ran into a woman who was seemingly bouncing around between a bunch of guys and I was just one in a series men she had a thing with. I think it was one of those validation things -the more guys found her desirable, the more validated she felt. For the unsuspecting guy, it's kind of a shock to the system.

Of course, things can get complicated in life. People come and go and sometimes they do you wrong without them even meaning to do so. The flip side of this is that you judge people according to your means for forgiveness. If you can afford to forgive people, then you tend not to judge too harshly. I'd already been put through the ringer by another woman, so I was able to come at this situation with a bit more sanguine humour. A woman's gonna do what a woman's gonna want to do - what's the surprise in that?

And so, we have this song.
I didn't want to use her name in this song because it didn't scan properly with the chorus. So instead I landed on Belinda. The real Belinda I knew was nothing like the girl in this song, but that's another story, another song altogether, for another occasion.

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