
'Love Lobotomised Me'

It Started As A Challenge

Today's song from the playbook.

The chorus of this song was actually a play out on another song I'd written for Beaver Patrol, the band I had with the Dude form Audio Darnok. That song was sort of a nonsense song to begin with, with its rather oblique references to the Police album 'Regatta de Blanc'.

Anyway. Sometime early on over at iCompositions, - probably around 2006 - somebody said they loved the play out, could I write a song using that as the chorus? - and so this song was born.

It is, sort of manic because parts of it were built from loops and other parts were put together from sections of arrangements I had for another track I was working on at the time. It seemed appropriate to cannibalise that and put in the chorus people wanted. I never went back to that other song.

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