
'Hypocrisy For Consumption'

We Eat Chicken, Don't We?

If you've read this blog for any amount of time you'll know whaling's a bit of a touchy topic for me.

So... I'll just say this: I don't want to be told whaling is bad by somebody from Canada, a land where they club baby fur seals; and the indigenous population go whaling; and the said indigenous population buy their whaling harpoon guns from Japan; and Canada isn't even a member of the International Whaling Commission exactly because these very issues might come back to bite them. I get enough from Australians and New Zealanders on this topic. Honestly - it might seem abrupt because I do love your land but please - if you're from Canada... don't start.

With all due respect to you Canadians out there, unless you're Vegan, you've got no stake in this topic, no dog in this fight - because you've eaten your dog.
That is all.

This one is a very short instrumental to express how I felt about the above.

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