
Today's Space Garni du Jour
This is an article about the launch of the 50th GPS sat. On the one hand you have the shuttle system which specialises in low orbit. Then you have the geosync orbit, which is the most important, in High orbit. So NASA throws up satellites in low orbit so they can give the shuttle something to do. In the mean time, we ignore the fact that the reason we built the shuttle is to make rockets obsolete, when clearly we've needed fire 50 of these in order to get our comsats up.
Don't it make you wonder?
Meanwhile over at the Mars Society pages, I managed to dig this little article up, which offers us all hope that something is going on.

Space issues attract also sorts of people
Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen is donating US$13.5 millions to the cause of finding aliens. You'd think that Microsoft itself would be in a position to research a serious entry into the Mars mission rather than open up wallets and ears to hope to hear ET phone home. Maybe that is hoping for too much.

Dumb All Over on the Terror Front
Days after reporting they were closing in on al Zawahiri, we now get this article saying it's not likely to be old Al, but some Uzbek terror cell. Which goes to show the news services don't know what they're doing. May I just say, "TOLD YOU SO". This is typical of the reports in this war and as war correspondences go, they must rank pretty low in a long line of bogus war-correspondence-literature. Then again, the Iliad is largely bogus but it's one heck of a book.

- Art Neuro

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