
Missed this one...
NASA are thinking about an outreach program to better market themselves to the American People. In the aftermath of the Columbia Shuttle, it does not surprise me that "there is a widely held public perception that (NASA) do very little." The article then goes on about the pros and cons of types of marketing to present NASA as some sort of vision for Space. Then there is some person concerned that NASA would be forcing itself on an "unwilling public". I would have thought enlightening the public on the Space Vision was the whole damn point. reagrdless of the debates that you might read here or there, it is clear that there is an unwillingness in the public because they don't get the imperative.
In the mean time, we're going to get Space.com, not NASA.gov for the popluar science mob out there.

Moving right along
NASA's engineers, astronauts and scientists fronted up to the Presidential commission and said their piece. Their take is that we don't know all the dangers. Well, d'uh, you might say. They have raised dust storms, radiation, chemicals, and *gasp* possible lifeforms. Well, I think we'll be waiting a long time to totallly eliminate the last possibility, but who knows? Maybe it'll be like that Carpenter movie Ghosts of Mars? Maybe not... but it'd be exciting in a way that only Chris can explain the philosophical ramifications therein. :)

- Art Neuro

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