
Huygens Probe Arrives
After all the hoopla, the Probe has landed on Titan.
Pictures will be up shortly.

"It challenges all our preconceptions that all these planets are static places. Seeing a planet emerge that has dynamics and complexity to it is just amazing," he added.

Huygens was spun off from the Cassini mother ship on Dec. 24 before its descent by parachute to the surface of Titan on Friday, capping a seven-year journey. "I'm shocked. It's remarkable," said Carolyn Porco, of the Cassini Imaging Center. "There are river channels. There are channels cut by something ... a fluid of some sort is my best guess."

"This mission has been like a fantasy come true," she told CNN. "It's a great moment not only for science but for humankind."

David Southwood, the European Space Agency's science director, announced earlier that the probe had relayed scientific data — expected to include pictures and atmospheric measurements — to the mother ship and the information had been transmitted back to Earth.

Applause erupted at mission control in Darmstadt in western Germany at news of the data transmission. The data are expected to shed light on what Titan's atmosphere and surface are made of — and possibly on the origins of life on Earth.

It's all excellent except of course some guy out there is going to complain that the probe has an ALP bias in its findings on Titan and therefore the data is corrupt and is therefore not to be trusted. :)

- Art Neuro

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