
Eating Bugs, Flying Shuttles
The life of a trainee astronaut is tough. There's so much to know, so much to do; indeed, you might find yourself lost in wilderness terrain as a result of having to bail outon a training craft. Inevitably this means you have to do the survival thing. Here's the latest f,luff piece about being an astronaut. This is what it takes, ladies and gentlemen. You might have to eat bugs.

The astronaut class, including three teachers, three pilots, two doctors and three Japanese astronauts, attended the Navy school for survival, evasion, resistance and escape on 12,400 acres near Rangeley Lake.

They learned about finding food and water and making their way in the woods, starting fires with flint and staying warm at night when the temperature dropped to 40 degrees.

Chris Cassidy, 34, said more than a decade as a Navy SEAL prepared him for the trip. "The training was very much a team effort," he said. "Each of us brings in certain skills."

I can imagine Mars is swarming with edible bugs.

- Art Neuro


David said...

Sure it is Arthur. Just check out the movies. Some of the bugs unaccountably reffered to as 'Nematodes' (sic). They even produce oxygen for no apparent reason!

Seriously though, I doubt they were expecting the astronauts to do this kind of survival off world. What a bummer though if they complete a mission but reenter wrong and are hard to recover - then starve through ignorance. Hard to explain to the press.

In general I agree though. Dopey priority for Astronaut training.

DaoDDBall said...

I think it essential to any prospective astronaught that they train in a diverse range of survival techniques.

You might laugh now, but when the astronaughts come back to a post apocalyptic world who'll be laughing then .. eh?

Didn't think of that, did you? What if a space storm throws them off course by thousands of years and they find themselves on a dessert planet, but they don't realise its banana split. What then?

I believe in diversity, so long as they saved their dessert for me.

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