
The End Of Sorts For Wall Street

Michael Lewis Tells It Like It Is
This piece was in the AFR recently, but it's also been printed in NYT, so I am able to link to it now, thanks to Pleidaes who pointed me to it.
AMERICANS enter the New Year in a strange new role: financial lunatics. We’ve been viewed by the wider world with mistrust and suspicion on other matters, but on the subject of money even our harshest critics have been inclined to believe that we knew what we were doing. They watched our investment bankers and emulated them: for a long time now half the planet’s college graduates seemed to want nothing more out of life than a job on Wall Street.

This is one reason the collapse of our financial system has inspired not merely a national but a global crisis of confidence. Good God, the world seems to be saying, if they don’t know what they are doing with money, who does?

Incredibly, intelligent people the world over remain willing to lend us money and even listen to our advice; they appear not to have realized the full extent of our madness. We have at least a brief chance to cure ourselves. But first we need to ask: of what?

To that end consider the strange story of Harry Markopolos. Mr. Markopolos is the former investment officer with Rampart Investment Management in Boston who, for nine years, tried to explain to the Securities and Exchange Commission that Bernard L. Madoff couldn’t be anything other than a fraud. Mr. Madoff’s investment performance, given his stated strategy, was not merely improbable but mathematically impossible. And so, Mr. Markopolos reasoned, Bernard Madoff must be doing something other than what he said he was doing.

In his devastatingly persuasive 17-page letter to the S.E.C., Mr. Markopolos saw two possible scenarios. In the “Unlikely” scenario: Mr. Madoff, who acted as a broker as well as an investor, was “front-running” his brokerage customers. A customer might submit an order to Madoff Securities to buy shares in I.B.M. at a certain price, for example, and Madoff Securities instantly would buy I.B.M. shares for its own portfolio ahead of the customer order. If I.B.M.’s shares rose, Mr. Madoff kept them; if they fell he fobbed them off onto the poor customer.

In the “Highly Likely” scenario, wrote Mr. Markopolos, “Madoff Securities is the world’s largest Ponzi Scheme.” Which, as we now know, it was.

In the rest of the article, Michael Lewis and his co-writer show that the SEC basically failed to function. In fact the ratings agencies that contributed greatly to the subprime loans crisis also get a pasting.It's worth reading how the Madoff 'scheme', the SEC, the Ratings Agency all played their parts in a mechanism that was doomed to fail, doomed to come un-stuck and doomed to drag the world into the maelstrom of problems.

1 comment:

Mark T. Market said...

I recently featured Taleb speaking out in frustration against the economic and banking establishment, also joined by his mentor: Benoit Mandelbrot. Their statements about rapid crashes has striking correspondence with Jared Diamond's observations about societal collapse.

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