
Off The Air - A Quick Update Of The Space Freaks...
We're busy folks., and these are trying times.
Some of us are tyring to finish a thesis and this is tough as hell.
Some of us are trying to finish a film; this is tough business.
Some of us are also trying to finish an album. This is bloody tough when you're tyring to finish a film at the same time.
Some of us are considering launching a proper website to replace this meager blog.
Some of us are trying to write a manifesto of our collective position on Space Policy; and this is not going to be easy.
Some of us have Day-Jobs, some of us are tyring to secure one.
All of this and it's bleeding November!
So while we're off the air a bit, bear with us. :)

Politics In the Age of Scumbags
Everybody has a take on politics. It's the natural process of democracy where everybody's opinions (sad and pathetic as they are/might be) are not stamped out by some ideologue. This is a good thing. In the course of time, people start to get frustrated that they cannot convince others of their 'wisdom'. It may simly be the case that the so-called wisdom is simply a matter of being *wrong*; as in mistaken. In other words, it may all be opinion, but sometimes being wrong is being wrong is being wrong, much like Gertrude Stein's rose.

However, it has to be said that the adage, "politics is the last refuge of the scourndrel" was never more true than today.

People assume I am a political animal - I am not. I am an anti-politicial animal in as much as I try to cut out politics from the issue, as I strongly believe that technological solutions which rest on scientific method are far more likely to be useful than political soutions which rely heavily on people's emotional acceptance of unacceptable things. I know people love to say, what is not political, but I beg to say where philosophers seek the abstract sans the idiotic baggage of metaphsyics, I seek space policy sans the moronic baggage of politics. It may be nigh impossible, but anything would be better than the age old crap.

After all, if we are to get to space, maybe we have to take on the *unpolitic* to achieve the long term success for humanity. The way I figure it, politics, in the guise of Left/Right knuckle dusters and the usual he-said-she-said is about as useful as a spare groom at a wedding. And while both sides are into point-scoring over substantial policies, we have to say, it doth suck.
Folks, we're trying for space; not try and win the local election. We're entirely happy to leave politics to the scumbags, the scurrilous, the scoundrels, the scantily clad, the policy squonks, and the unadulterated scum. Just as long as we get the policies and outcomes we want. :)

In the mean time, 'Stick it to the man. '

- Art Neuro

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