
Support for space?
Putting aside the policy details with which we concern ourselves; where to go, whether to colonise, what's the pay off, it is a sad fact that our input into these matters is generally small. Our 'leaders' will essentially try to gauge general support for "Space" and dish up a package of their own devising to buy those votes. Fair enough I suppose. With that in mind petitions like this one:


...deserve our attention as we can add our little bit of pressure to say we care. What is supported as a result may well be a dumb political compromise like the shuttle program (as Art already pointed out, lots of Americans still haven't seen through that one yet) but if support is not registered we will end up with nothing.

If you are an American flat-head reading this & don't care then think of a Chinese Moon (boo hiss) or India beating the ol' USofA in space ...& go sign up (hurry). If you, dear reader, are an educated human being who cares more about humanity's future as a species than about the ethnicity of those who get to be the new wave then sign up anyway. Sure it could support something silly but 'W' won't be defining it much longer the way he is going. We could use another space race WAY more than more arms race!

1 comment:

David said...

This one was of course me. I just forgot to sign it


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