
Jews in Space
Wasn't it Mel Brooks who came up with that gag? Now we find that an historic torah was lost in the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster. Now they are making a TV documentary about it.

Freedom of Speech does not include making light of the screams of the beheaded
Okay. This is in bad taste. No doubt about it. However on the other hand, it's a free world, and those DJs are allowed to say whatever they like... And the station is allowed to hire whoever they like. Hmmm. This freedom of speech thing is really difficult.

Marconi apologized on Friday in an audio recording posted on his personal web site, saying he had made himself sick with his "stupid" actions.

"I say a lot of stupid things on the radio, but this was the most inappropriate thing that I've ever done and I am very ashamed of myself for doing it," the DJ said.

Marconi and his partner Tiny were known for crude jokes and had been reprimanded before, but the station deemed their "edgy" humor necessary to reach young adult listeners.
So much for high principles and whatnot. I would still like to reserve a space in the public that allows for the tasteless 'Marconi' characters of this world to make tasteless jokes about idiots who get beheaded on behalf of all of us who live under Pax Americana.

These can be found next to the time stamps and seem to be better than the 3rd party ones we've been using. I'm going to transfer our old stuff onto these in the coming days and eliminate the old ones eventually.

- Art Neuro


Anonymous said...
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Art Neuro said...

And here it is!
Seems to work nicely.
Certainly nicer to use than the third party ones.

- Art Neuro

Art Neuro said...

and it turns out the old posts do not come up with the new comment button so I can't transfer them. It's a bit of a shame, but I guess we move on.

Anonymous said...

Weasel Here. You can place your old comments into a word processing document. Then paste them at leisure .. so long as you haven't already deleted them.

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