
Splitsville With Suzie

 Yep, WhatEva

A lot's happened in the course of the last few months. I apologise for not being around, but when you're looking for a place to move to, it has a way of eating your time and consciousness. The last thing you want to do is blog. The second last thing you want to do is think about blogging. It's that kind of thing. A Lithuanian told me they consider a fire that burns down your house to be equivalent to two houses moved. 

During this insane time in late January, I got approached to join a band, and so in a span of 3 weeks weeks we put together 5 rehearsals and 2 shows. It was pretty manic with everything else going on. At the second show, I ran into none other than Professor AB. I hadn't seen the good professor since... oh when he went off to the USA to do some important things. I don't even recall if it was his Post Doc or a teaching post. Anyway, he'd been back for a while and teaching at UNSW. 

I met professor AB back in first year at university. He was studying Science and I was doing Medicine (or more precisely the Faculty of Medicine was doing me over). I got introduced to him as the resident mathematics genius - and yes, he really was one of those. You can meet a lot of people who can get marks, but not many people who have profound insight into mathematics as a field at the age of 18-19. He was one of those prodigious talents.  

Back then, he was dating one of my classmates who shall only be named as Kerry the Jam-Jabber here. That relationship ultimately didn't work out but for short while our social lives intersected. We both broke up with our *terrible* girls and sort of drifted off into different social circles for a while but we kept running into one another. I don't have any friends from my time at the Faculty of Medicine, but I do have a few friends from my time at the University of Sydney, and the good Professor is one of them. 

It really was a gas to run into him. Anyway... let's see now. The band I'm playing in is called WhatEva, and we play punk rock. Do come and check us out if you see that name. 

In the mean time, here's a song about breaking up with a starlet. 

Come join the fun!

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