
'Intractable Difficulty'

Love-Goes-Wrong Songs

It's not easy coming up with new ideas for song lyrics. My usual fall back is to write about break ups.
This is possibly because I've been traumatised by mine in a way that the only way to come at it is through creativity, and really, does the world need another freakin' love song anyway?

While I think the world can do with more love songs in a way, I also think I'm probably not the best person to be contributing a whole bunch of those. From time to time I will have a song about falling in love or something, but at this point in my life, I think my strengths lie in writing songs about how love goes wrong.

In that light, the title is self explanatory. You like somebody and you've built your life round them being in your life, and somehow it's the worst thing you could have done because they take you for granted and they're going to just suck you dry; but you love them still. What is that? It's the kind of difficulty that can only be described as intractable.

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