
'Dreams of You'

Things You Can't Control

Not everything makes sense, even with rational dissection with all of your might. That's the nature of trauma that people leave on your life. If you try and repress it, the repressed emotions come out in strange ways to screw you up or screw you over. Often the absence of people who were there one moment, and suddenly weren't leaves a surprising mark on your psyche.

Sometimes, there's no controlling what goes through one's mind. Sometimes, it's all just out of control and your pre-frontal consciousness is riding a wild scree.

You might try to rationalise it away, but what you feel is stubbornly what you feel. In turn, the things you then try to put out of your mind come and haunt you in your sleep in the guise of dreams. Sometimes the dreams are so close up and personal, you wake up in the middle of the night devastated and disoriented. It's kind of mad that way.

So, no, this song isn't about dreaming of a girl that one yearns for longingly; it's about the the rather uncomfortable moments of remembered trauma that come to you in your sleep. I'm really not one for romanticism in my lyrics.

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