
Quick Shots - 15/Jun/2016

Screw You Malcolm Turnbull Part 1

I've been off-air here because my landline is down, which means my ADSL2 is out. I'm relying on my mobile phone to get me on here right now. It's a bit precarious and potentially really expensive doing it this way, but here's the thing. Telstra's really not interested in looking after its copper because the NBN is going to supplant it. That's all well and good except Malcolm Turnbull as Tony Abbott's communications minister hobbled the NBN and slowed down. Which means, I don't have the option of going to NBN while my sad copper connection languishes.

It really is a wormhole of suck when Telstra can't send techs to fix this immediately. It's going to take until the end of the month. It really shouldn't be like this. I blame Turnbull for needlessly making the NBN roll out far more politically fraught than it needed have been. It's such a stupid thing but today, it's impacting me so I get to scream and tell him what a partisan boofhead he was in hobbling the NBN.

Screw You Malcolm Turnbull Part 2

It's that stupid election going on. Unlike previous Federal election, I really I don't have a whole lot to say. I'm not convinced of the collective wisdom of crowds that produced a Abbott government in 2013, so pardon me if I'm a bit jaundiced about the potential for either government winning. On the one hand is the clearly regressive incumbents facing off against a deeply regressive left of Bill Shorten's ALP. I guess it's not as bad as Trump vs. Clinton, but it' not far behind on the anti-inspiration stakes. This isn't a "Justin Trudeau offering generational change and hope" kind of election. It's more a "who gets to be the arbiter for vested interests, fuck you world" sort of election.

Worst of all might be the coloured brochures proclaiming 'policies' that get sent to us. These must cost a motza to print and post, and yet they're devoid of any information that you could really hang a hat upon. I got one from my local member for Reid, Craig 'the Gerbil' Laundy, which promises a "strong new economy". I want to know what happened to the last one and where they're hiding it. As far as I can tell, they went out to the back shed and shot it. Twice.

The Gerbil seems like a wet Liberal and probably not a very hardened Thatcherite/Reaganomic trickledown-economics exponent, but he can't go around promising to fix local congestion by spending money on WestConnex. I can't believe that our candidates have been reduced to this kind of idiotic positioning just so that Malcolm can run an election campaign on the 'Jobs & Growth' slogan.

It's 2016. For the love of God, won't somebody just tell these idiots that the myth of Trickledown Economics is dead?

Screw You Malcolm Turnbull Part 3

Look, I know it's sort of obvious, but nobody is calling out the coalition for essentially running with people like Corgi Bernardi and Sophie Miserabella. If your party includes people as hateful as these muthers, you should be putting out some kind of disclaimer, like, "voting for this party will help these intellectually deficient people into positions of power in this country".

Otherwise, this election is leaving me cold. After all, the electorate has proven itself collectively asinine as of 2013. The incumbents know this and are trying to exploit them once more ("unto the breach, oh stupid people!"). The only question is how much stupidity can you load onto reality before it collapses. After all our nation is built on such fragile foundations when it comes to things like facts and reality.

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