
Bringing It On Home

Why Did I Even Leave?

Yes, why did I even leave Blogger four and a half years ago? At the time I needed a change. I was feeling stale and wanted to change the tone of my blogging.

People were telling me how good Wordpress was, and amongst other things, the Yankees had won the World Series in 2009 and it just seemed like the right time to wind up the previous Blog - 'Flaming Horses'. Thus I tottered off for new pastures and have been writing 'the Art Neuro Weblog' over there ever since, but recently I've come to miss a few things from Blogger - namely a proper search function. If there's one thing Blogger can boast, it's a search function powered by Google itself, and so it seems one is crazy not to avail one self of this strength.

Five years ago when Wordpress was still young, it was more of a purist writing thing - at least for me - and a lli wanted to do was write in a more writerly manner rather than the social graffiti mannerI had been pursuing until then. I've now come to the conclusion this was a wrong choice. The power of blogging is reflected in social reach and not how witty I can be on a page that hardly anybody reads.

They're really not good enough reasons on their own and today, I think that I might have even missed an opportunity for something while I've been there. In the intervening years Google has decided to offer up things like Google+ and ways of linking things into your YouTube channel. It flips me out that more people pass through the pages of 'Flaming Horses' (which I abandoned four and a half years ago), than they do my current Wordpress blog (even with all the tags on every article!).

These are great and wonderful things that I haven't quite embraced because I was over there and not over here. I blogged a bit more about politics and wrote a few more self-important things but really, I want to feel a little less like an amateur columnist and more of a proper blogger. Run free and breezy with the dogs (and puppy photos or whatever).

The upshot of all this is that I'm in the middle of moving across my four-and-a-half-years' worth of Wordpress-blogging back to Blogger, right here on this blog where it all started. I've even rolled in 'the Speacefreaks Blog' and 'Flaming Horses' as well as other minor blogs such as'What Did We Do Before Wikipedia' and 'Spacefreaks Redux'.

Anyway, all this is to say I hope to be back here by the end of this month.

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