
100 Years
If I don't write this down, I'll forget it on the day...

27th of May marks the 100th anniversary of the Japanese victory at the Battle of The Japan Sea. If you check the link you will find the Japanese website commemorating and announcing the events for the 100th anniversary ceremonies. It's kind of interesting to see who is behind this event; heading the top of the list is former Prime Minister and logistic officer of the Imperial Japanese Navy, Yasuhiro Nakasone. Well, if there ever was a name to make you groan, there it is. So one would imagine a bunch of militarist reactionaries are behind the 100z.jp site but a closer examination reveals it's not quite that bad. The rest of the organising committee consists of a former executive for Mitsubishi Heav Industries, The chief at the Mikasa preservation foundation; the old Navy Personnel's Association (kind of like our RSL here) and the Togo Association, a philanthropic group named after the famed admiral. It's about what you'd expect. Certainly none of the crazy right wing associations are listed there, which s a good sign.

Most people in Japan probably have forgotten the deeper significance of the battle, but it's one of those watershed events in history. You know, a Asian Nation beat a European in a mechanised navy battle for the first time. Today it seems like no big deal, espcially after the Vietnam war where Vietnam threw off the yoke of European colonialism over 30 years after the end of WWII, but only 100 years ago (and I emphasise ONLY 100 years ago) this was a big deal.

Two facts that really amuse me about the world-wide response to the Japanese victory:
The first is how the Turks were so happy that Russia lost, they named streets after Japanese admirals and generals. The second is how Mr. non-Violence himself, Mr. Mahatma Ghandi drew strength from the victory because it showed him that the coloured peoples of the world could stand toe-to-toe with the Europeans. It's been a very interesting 100 years since.

Yanks Lose Again
In what is becoming an embarrassment, the Yankees added further insult to injury, capitulating to the lowly Devil Rays yet again, this time losing 6-2. They now occupy the cellar of the AL East. So another Empire sinks in the sunset.

- Art Neuro

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