
SpaceShipOne Wins Ansari X Prize
I know DB has already posted this, but here's the stuff from Space.com.
The first reports the flight, and the second reports the commercial vaibilities therein.

Of note is this little bit I found interesting:

"This was a sweet ride," said noted science fiction writer Jerry Pournelle.

"I've been around since they were stuffing people into Mercury capsules. This is great stuff."

SpaceShipOne was under the control of a single pilot in both flights, but it was weighted as if two additional people were aboard. There is significant additional performance in the craft's hybrid rocket motor, its designers say, enough to propel it on an even higher suborbital trajectory.

"We might have gotten to 370,000 feet if my mother-in-law hadn't spilled about a pound of coffee on me this morning," Binnie said after stepping out of the space plane. "A little accident added to the drama of the day."

Only because it includes Jerry Pournelle in the quote, I guess. :)

- Art Neuro

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