
How To Get Ahead In Politics
O-o-o-o-kay, so there's a Federal Election going on. One of our readers sent in this link that seems to indicate that it's all in the head.

A Catastrophe By Any Other Name Is A...
The NASA boffins are trying to extract something or anything from the Genesis probe wreck. It's a bit like trying to figure out the lifestyle choices of a car accident victim after they've been smeared across the road.

The capsule's outer layer broke open like a clamshell but survived mostly intact. The damage was far worse for an inner cylinder, which also ripped open and was left grotesquely twisted. The brittle atom disks inside were packed together so tightly that it was hard to assess the damage.

"There's a lot we still don't know about the contents of the capsule," he said.
The capsule held billions of charged atoms — a total haul no bigger than a few grains of salt — captured from the solar wind on five disks during the 884-day mission.


'Key Psycho' Update
Principle Photography is finally finished. We still need to shoot second unit scenes, but the actors are all 'done'. Hooray. Thank you for all your support.

Jobsearch Update
I thought I had a gig going into September, but it has seemed to have vanished into the clouds. Consequently, I am back on the search. It's really disheartening crap.

Knee Update
"I'm waking here, I'm walking here. " Now I know why Ratso Rizzo gets so angry with that driver as he hobbles across the intersection in Midnight Cowboy. I'm getting better, but I discovered this week that I'm still weak when it comes to climbing.

- Art Neuro

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