
First Day at New Job
I'm back in the workforce, so now I'm only technically a part-time unemployed person. There's a lot I can say, but I will say this: Sometimes it's a mixed blessing that you don't get the directing gig you went looking for, because you might not have wanted to make those kinds of pictures.

I also have to say that maybe my time at Classroom Video wasn't such a bad thing, in spite of the crazy boss and unwarranted persecution from evil-bitch-cow-fart-brain executive producer RL. I'll have to cogiatte and mediate on that. Oh well, it's all too late anyhow.

For US$3000 , You Can Become Weightless
At least, you'll be able to experience that sensation thanks to Zero Gravity corporation. The FAA of the USA approved this venture and it is now news for the world (if you are that way inclined). We for one tend to poo-poo space tourism here, but we're noting it here all the same.

Diamandis said in a press statement that his firm has teamed up with Diet Rite "to provide Americans with the first opportunity to experience the fun and exhilarating feeling of weightlessness, an experience previously available only to astronauts."

The Zero-G Experience offers a full-day program led by a veteran astronaut. Each flyer -- the customer -- experiences Martian gravity (1/3 Earth's gravity, referred to as "g"), lunar gravity (1/6 g) and zero gravity, the sensation of floating freely with no pull from terra firma.

I know it's a bad pun, and some people do like thier puns, by why Diet Rite?
NASA refer to their own version of this experience as 'The Vomit Comet'. I can't imagine a better way to blow US$3000; go up in the air with a bunch of people with the wrong stuff, and watch them throw it up all over the place in the queasiness. Mmm'mm; cue the Katrina and the Waves smash hit with changed lyrics:

Now I'm floating in vomit, whoa-oh,

Now I'm floating in vomit, whoa-oh,

Now I'm floating in vomit, whoa-oh,

And don't it feel good, hey all right now,

And don't it feel good.

Goodness, I am cynical today.

- Art neuro

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