
Quick Shots

Another Season Starts
It sure feels longer each off-season for the MLB season to begin.
The Yankees squared off against the A's and that's a hairy start as any because these A's might be the best A's in a couple of decades; even better than the Jason Giambi-Johnny Damon A's of 2001. By the time I caught the score it was 7-1 and then 11-1 and then 13-1. The Yankees look like they are getting off to a nice sweet start.

iCompositions Report
I'm coming to the end of my 12 track cycle of Beastie Boys re-mixes. I only have one more and then it's "That's it that's all". Check them out by clicking on the link to the right if you already haven't done so.

Going Again
It's a complex business but I'm headed up north to Japan again. This time we're trying to meet some studio honchos to see if they will come on board a coproduction. There is no coproduction treaty in place between Japan and Australia, as they happpen so seldom, but it happens so seldom because the industries are so far away from one another in terms of growth cycle, scale and operations. It's going to be an interesting gap to try and bridge in order to bring about a little bit of success.

Scary thought
A man was once accosted at customs because the cutoms dogs barked at him ferociously. It turned out that the customs dogs were barking at the pheromones of the man's own dog which was on heat, that had found their way onto the luggage. When he explained the situation (I guess he said "my bitch is rutting at home"), he was detained for another 24hours for trying to lie to get out of fooling the custom dogs.

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