
Going Again

This Time, To Tokyo
I'm headed to Japan with Mr. Brian A Williams for a bunch of studio meetings.This comes as a logical next step for the project involving us, Producers Brian Burgess, Hideki Ujiie and director Geoff Murphy.
Geoff's short email to Brian was short and to the point: "Break a Leg".

It's going to be interesting making our pitch and then trying to get some interest and some financial commitment out of Japanese movie studios. They're all very different from one another as you'd excpet. Some enthusiastic to make contact, others are are more cautious or disinterested.
Already, I have strains of Soul Coughing's 'Screenwriter Blues' running through my head.
I won't be naming names. Wish us luck.

I'll also meet some contemporary art people who privatly funded a short film of mine back in 2001. We shot it during the week after "9/11". There's going to be a screening for which I am bracing myself. Who knows how the film stands up after 5 years and a war on terror?

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