
What Kind of God Invents Cancer?
Okay it's got nothing to do with the big G in the sky. I've been having a crappy day all round.
The Great Punta moves in mysterious ways and today, he flattened my front tyre. To be sure, the manual of the car says when you have a flat front, you shouldn't put the flimsy spare on the front, you should take off one of the rear tyres, stick that on the front, and then put the spare onthe rear. Well, that's just extra hassle you don't want to find out when you're meant to be going somewhere with a carload of stuff, isn't it?

Now, I discover this flat tyre after I've loaded up my car. So I unload my car AND carry my stuff back up the stairs, I then drive out to the local Bob Jane T-Mart and the guy makes me sit and wait for 15minutes while he talks on the phone. Now I have to pick up my tyre at 3:00pm this afternoon and replace it myself. The joy never ends.
Which brings me to:

Blame It On the Sun Spots
Yes indeed, somebody's got to cop the blame and I'm squarely assigning the blame to sun spots that have grown to 20 times the size of Earth:

Sunspots are areas of intense magnetic energy, cooler and darker than the surrounding surface of the thermonuclear furnace. Sometimes the magnetic fields let loose and huge amounts of radiation and charged particles are hurled into space.

The Sun's last bout of intense storminess occurred last fall, when a string of 10 major flares over two weeks knocked out satellites, damaged others, and forced the FAA (news - web sites) to reroute airlines away from exposed polar routes.
No one can say if this sunspot group will let loose with a major storm, but it has the characteristics of a potentially big event.

"The implications of this spot have scientists on the edge of their seats," NASA (news - web sites) said in a statement Friday. "If the active region generates coronal mass ejections (CMEs), massive explosions with a potential force of a billion megaton bombs, it will be a fairly direct hit to Earth and its satellites and power grids."

Whatever the case may be it's ruining my day. :)

- Art Neuro


DaoDDBall said...

Sad news about Giambi.

Cardinals are doing well

Mets nowhere to be seen.

So will it be a Yankees Cardinals WS?

Anonymous said...

Way, way too early to predict.
A Cardinals Yankees World Series would be a fan's World Series but not necessarily a wider general audience WS.

The thing with Giambi is way weird. Who knows what's wrong with that guy.

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