
Just For Fun - The Luna(r) Decade
Here's an idea. Why don't we all cooperate in exploring the largely useless hunk of rock in the sky, luna. So goes the idea reported here. Manned flights to the moon has been done. Why are we doing it again? Doesn't it sort of back-handedly add credence to the conspiracy nut claims that say the Apollo Landings never happened - they were staged and directed by Stanley Kubrick who had just finished shooting 2001: A Space Odyssey?   
Do me a favour and really check these links out. It's a gas.  
Anyway, here's the chatter regarding the International Lunar Decade: 

An International Lunar Decade (ILD) is being viewed as a vehicle to promote multi-nation space cooperation.

The ILD would be modeled on the International Geophysical Year (IGY) -- a comprehensive and coordinated series of global geophysical research tasks that were carried out between July 1957 and December 1958 in order to let researchers pool their talent, work and insights. Initially 46 countries agreed to participate in the IGY, but by the end of the study, 67 countries had become involved. For the IGY, a variety of scientific tools were used, including the introduction of Earth-circling "artificial satellites" lofted by the Soviet Union and United States.
The idea, apparently, is well-received. True collaboration may come true through this process. I guess it beats the recent shut-out the kettle-flying-Chinese paradigm, so I guess we should be welcoming it. But the Moon? Again?
Why can't we have one for Mars? Damn it I want Mars, Mars, Mars!
- Art Neuro

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