
Score of the Day
While the New York Yankees went down 4-2 to the resurgent Detroit Tigers, it is reported that US bombardments killed 14 in Fallujah while a truck bomb in Baghdad killed nine, making the score a 14-9 win in the away game.  Americans have been on a hot streak lately with their offence.
"We're satisfied with this one," team captain Buck Dodgers said, "but you have to keep in mind that it's just one game in a long season of 162 games. Some days they pound you, the other days you pound them back, but you have to take each day as it comes. I thank the Lord every day for the opportunity to be on the field playing my part for the team. I'm working on breathing out of my left eye-lid."
Dodgers, who went 3-for-3 in his bombing situations has been hitting .385, or rather, 5-for-13 in a torrid week of airstrikes agianst the cellar-dwelling Falluha Holdouts.  The American Avaitors have increased their lead over the English and Australians by 317,000 scalps, or 18.5 game lead for the division title. The slumping Holdouts, under embattled manager Mahmoud Ibrahim al-Jirisi, are said to be firmly out of contention for the rest of the killing season.
Only kidding. :)
Yes I have bad taste. So what?
- Art Neuro


Anonymous said...

One year ago the Yankees had a ratio of 10,000 to 1. Most of the 10,000 were own goals. Now the UN Referee is calling the shots, the killers will get many more Yankees. Yeah!

BTW anyone heard about Linda Ronstadts ditching from a pub for dedicating 'Desperado' to Micheal Moore? When will conservatives come to their sences?

Art Neuro said...

I dunno Mr. Annonymous; seems to me Linda Ronstadt is way passt her prime. It wouldn't take a conservative to oust her from a pub. It would only take a mean-spirited fashion victim. Or a leftie who hates her for having sold out.

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