
Quick Shots - 30/Dec/2021

Failure Of Politics, Politics of Failing-By-Design 

Far out. We're coming up to the end of 2021 and I feel like we're not far removed from December 2019. That's weird, right? I'd kind of hoped that I could spend more time here writing up some stuff but even with all the time spent at home with lockdowns I didn't get much done here so apologies. 

I've mentioned it before but at some point in the mid-2010s I hit a wall where I felt there was nothing more to be said. I think we have Rupert Murdoch and his media empire to thank for that as  it shared in the triple-threat-triple-heartburn era of a Abbott Government, Brexit, and a Trump Presidency across Australia, UK and the USA. You can't take politics too seriously when people clearly a lot less intelligent than you are wilfully dumb things to curry the bogan/chav/redneck vote. It's enough to make you lose faith in democracy, and I guess that gives us insight into how democracy might have failed so hard in Italy, Germany, Spain, and Japan, roughly 100 years ago. 

Be that as it may, we live on - but that probably is just a matter of luck. 

On 15 December the NSW government removed all restrictions pertaining to the Covid Pandemic. There suits were predictable in that case numbers exploded. People queued up in cars trying to get their drive thru PCR swabs for hours on end. Rapid Antigen Testing kits sold out everywhere and before you knew it, half the city had to self-isolate. If the aim was the throw of the shackles of pandemic controls and let business thrive, it had the unfortunate effect of immediately shuttering businesses because their staff got infected and had to isolate. For 8 days the NSW Government took its hands off the wheel and blindfolded itself. Eventually, an attempt to bring back some semblance of sanity prevailed, and QR code check ins and mask mandates were brought back. Of course by then, the horse had bolted with Pestilence on its back. 

So the same people who irresponsibly did the above, turned around and said everybody had to take 'personal responsibility'. I mean, does it get richer than that? Then they said we would all get infected by Omicron at some point and we may as well learn to live with COVID. I mean... hullo. We wouldn't be in those straits had the same government not wilfully chosen to let things go out of control. 

On the 19th December when the cases started climbing and shit got scary again, I happened to drive down Oxford Street on the way out to Randwick. I'd say a good 2 out of 3 shop fronts were empty with For-Lease signs in them. Two years of the Pandemic really has done a number of businesses, so I get it. There's a tremendous amount of urgency in trying to kick start the economy and have those businesses come back. 

The problem with that mentation is that the businesses can't stay open if people have to self isolate. But I get it. They were trying to privatise the Pandemic, because if there's one thing a Liberal Government hates, it's spending money on things that are the necessities of society. 

Seriously. Fuck these idiots. 

The Return of Boba Fett

I've only watched the 1 available episode, so I don't really know where it's all going but I will say this. This is a retcon nightmare. I like Temuera Morrison and his Django Fett, as well as how the casting made the Kiwi accent the de facto accent of Clone Troopers. But when you watch this Boba Fett carve its way out of the Sarlacc Pit, one is overcome with a weird cognitive dissonance. I always remember Fett's actor to be a dorky white haired English bloke. And come on, that's not a spoiler. Fett had to get out of the Sarlacc Pit to begin with in order for there to be any series.  

I Haven't Seen 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' Yet

Thanks to our idiot government, it suddenly became very un-enticing to sit in a cinema for 3 hours. I put the blame squarely upon the shoulders of Domicron Perottet and Brad Hazzard. It was the one film I was looking forward to all year, and here we are. I'm furiously dodging spoilers but, ...what the hey. 

Didn't See Bond Either

The thing is, it came out while the lockdown was still going. Somebody said "he dies at the end". So I thought "fuck that. That's too depressing to watch." And I may never watch it. I don't care how good it is. 

I guess it's been 60 years since Dr No said "Kill Bond now!" I guess they finally got him. Killed by a sense of obligation to social justice. That's worse than Kirk's death in 'Star Trek: Generations' - another un-asked for character death. The world is full of knowing, smug, fuckwit screenwriters. 

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