
Quick Shots - 02/Mar/2016

Cardinal Pell And The Australian Inquisition

Jeez Louise, Cardinal George Pell, he o the moral high horse has been grilled about what he knew o the Ballarat Pedophile priests in his time at Ballarat and East Melbourne. We're learning more of the kind of moral fibre this man possesses in the last two few days and it's proving all the prejudicial views people might have had against him, to be quite true. He is at heart, a gormless little petty bureaucrat in the service of his career with the Roman Catholic Church.
During Rafferty's time, after Sleeman had resigned, a delegation went to Pell to complain about Searson, but Rafferty said their concerns were dismissed. 
Pell told the Royal Commission that was because he was deceived by Archbishop Little and the education office, the latter perhaps because they wanted to keep a lid on matters and were scared he would ask "inconvenient" questions. 
Furness summarised: so Pell was deceived by Bishop Mulkearns and one or more consultors in Ballarat, Archbishop Frank Little and the Catholic Education Office in Melbourne? "That is correct," the cardinal replied. 
Furness: "That's an extraordinary position, Cardinal!" 
Pell: "It was an extraordinary world of crime and cover ups and people not wanting the status quo disturbed. When I became Archbishop [in 1996] I turned the situation right around so that the Melbourne Response procedures were light years ahead of all this obfuscation and prevarication and deception."
You gotta laugh only if it weren't so grim, sad, and evil. It sure doesn't look good to be the high priest of an organ that spent considerable energy ignoring the obvious cries for help. How can we ever take this man seriously ever again?


A historic recreation pic about the troubles in Selma Alabama in 1965, and Dr. Martin Luther King's part in making sure black people got to register to vote. Good performances but terrible directing. The pacers all over the place and frankly, the exposition gets so long an boring I nodded off for a few minutes. It could have been handled lot better than what's on screen here. Very disappointed because the crits and Rotten Tomatoes rated it so highly.

'South Park' Season 19

Sort of amazing that this show keeps going. The usual foul language and inappropriate humour is here but strangely restrained. The pastiche of bad taste is not quite translating into belly-laughs, but more of a muted chuckle. They've targeted political correctness and are going after it hard, but there's something a bit amiss in their scatter gun approach.

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