
Just Briefly...

The Changeable Abbott

A few months back I made the pithy observation that Tony Abbott was not in fact any kind of ideologue but worse still, an opportunist of the worst who kind who has no conviction except for his won thirst for power.

As it turns out, others have also made this observation and have complied it into a video.You may be well surprised by the number of people who have pointed to his flip-flops. It is actually uncomfortable to sit through because the notion that he is not some kind of hard-and-fast, rusted on conservative ideologue, but rater a pathologically flexible opportunist in pursuit of power makes us realise that well, maybe we have a House of Cards (BBC Version) situation going on where the government has essentially been hijacked by a dare-we-say-out-loud psychopath.

You get the feeling this isn't going the way it's supposed to be going.

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