
The Same Old Shi-ite

Gina, If You Don't Like The Business, Get Out

Gina Rinehart is complaining mining projects cost too much in Australia.
"You know if Australia doesn't export, someone else will," Mrs Rinehart told Fairfax Media on the sidelines of the Global Iron Ore & Steel Forecast conference, in Perth, on Wednesday. 
Mrs Rinehart, who is estimated by BRW to have a $20 billion fortune, said it was high costs, rather than low iron ore prices that affected her Roy Hill project. 
"What affects the project is high costs," Mrs Rinehart said. "As I have said so many times it is really important government cost burdens are lowered. We have regulations; be it approval processes, be it permits, be it licences, be it the checks that have to go on after those compliances." 
She said governments needed to take regulatory costs seriously.
"They have to cut these government cost burdens because our costs are incredible," Mrs Rinehart said.
And there you have it. It costs money to do business in Australia and the governments at both State and Federal level want a piece of the action. This, from the woman who famously complained that African workers are willing to work for $2 a day, why couldn't Australian workers do the same? It was a stupid rhetorical question that completely ignored the absence of choice involved in people getting exploited at $2 a day. 

But of course, Australian workers want a lifestyle and this is not acceptable to Gina who on the same occasion opined the average Australian was bone lazy and undeserving of the opportunities on offer - completely oblivious to the $2-a-day condition she wanted to have here.

It strikes me that if all these things really are such dreadful things, she should get out. God knows she has enough money, she doesn't need to do more. If it's not going to make money, fit's not going to break even, then stop doing it. It's not like we're putting a gun to her head to do this stuff. 

Because Bog-Off Really Means Bog-Off

Tony Abbott's really in some kind of warped zone where logic disappears and strange chains of thoughts manifest as utterances and complaints. He's certainly not about winning friends at the international level
In the correspondence, Australia told the UN it "sincerely regrets" missing by almost a year the 180-day deadline to respond to the committee's July 2013 ruling, which called for the refugees to be released and compensated. 
But the government's eventual response, made in December last year but not public before now, gives no ground to the UN committee finding that Australia was "inflicting serious psychological harm" on the refugees in indefinite detention.
The government said prompt medical treatment is provided and "Australia is committed to minimising the factors that contribute to mental health deteriorations of individuals in immigration detention". 
The majority of the refugees with negative assessments are detained at a Broadmeadows detention centre in Melbourne's north, where a spate of suicide and self-harm attempts have taken place
Police were called to the centre as recently as December and laid mattresses on the ground after a Burmese man spent a night on the roof threatening to jump.
The government also disagreed with the committee's interpretation of "arbitrary" detention and "arrest" that Australia has accepted under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. 
Professor Saul said the UN committee – an expert panel elected for four-year terms to act as independent legal experts – is the closest the world has to a human rights court.
In a written submission to the committee he described the government's response as "wholly unacceptable". 
"The key legal point is the government is completely rejecting the committee's authority to interpret and apply human rights standards in the convention, which Australia has agreed they should do," Professor Saul said. 
"It is really giving the two-fingered salute to the world."
Well, no surprises anywhere there. It's like he's going for broke in the Pan-Galactic Interstellar Dickhead Stakes. In his case, it really is a lifestyle choice. 

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