
IPA=Ideological Propaganda Agency

White Hot Anger (With Emphasis On White-ness)

The rightwing libertarian nutjob policy echo chamber known as the IPA was the first to push for this business of changing the Racial Discrimination Act in order to allow columnists like Andrew Bolt to lay on slurs without legal repercussion. That was it in a nutshell; except when it really came down to it, the people in government are people who do things as governments do and the government is always in favour of snooping on its own citizens and making it illegal to preach jihad. Only last week I pointed out how it was contradictory for this government to be willing to change 18C on the basis of freedom of speech while at the same time trying to muzzle the muftis from sending their followers to do holy battle in the Middle East.

I admit, I said it more or less in jest but within the week it has come to pass that no, the government has to jettison the changes to 18C just so they won't receive an even more fierce community backlash for the muzzling-of-the-mufti legislation they want to pass. As with most other things with this government, there is no given in a policy taking root just because they announce it - especially with the Senate they have, but it does surprise me that they were ensnared by the logical consequences that arose from their idiotic propaganda.

As for the IPA (not 'Indian Pale Ale') all I can do is laugh at their indignation.
Mr Roskam from the IPA urged the Coalition not to underestimate the "white hot anger" of the Liberal faithful in response to the "broken promise".

"We have been contacted by many IPA members who are also Liberal Party members who have said they will resign their membership from the Liberal Party over this broken promise from the government," he told Fairfax Media.

"The feeling from many supporters of the Coalition is a combination of deep sadness and disappointment and white hot anger."

He warned the Liberal Party base was becoming increasingly unhappy about the Coalition's decision to break key election commitments.

"This comes on top of Tony Abbott increasing taxes, not cutting spending and now implementing potentially a vast government program of surveillance of every Australian," he said.

"What many people can't understand is that he will compromise on a fundamental freedom but not an expensive, ineffective welfare scheme for the middle class."

How's that for a laugh? They have the easy job of banging on a principle of freedom of speech without having to face the consequences. It's like they have a total disregard for reality or realpolitik for that matter. They're so far gone, they don't seem to understand the very society in which this freedom-of-speech as they see it,  should be allowed. The last bit above sounds positively unhinged. It also explains how the conservatives of this country really feel. It's pretty sad that they have been so persuasive up to date.

I've said this before and it bears repeating: The IPA is so far to the right, it should be considered the fringe. I know there aren't readily available right wing institutions that discuss policy that are closer to the centre, but that doesn't justify giving this bunch equal airtime as if the radical right agenda is a legitimate alternative to the centre or the fairly softly-spoken centre left. The media - starting with the ABC give spokespeople from the IPA way too much credit by inviting them on shows like 'the Drum' and 'Q&A'

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