
News That's Fit To Punt - 01/Oct/2013

My Disgust Runs Too Deep

Try as I might, I can't shake my profound disgust at the current Liberal-National Coalition government. There seems to be a new reason to take ever dimmer views for what passes as policy each and every day. The summit of the amassed lying and stupidity might actually be summed up in their economic statements and what they think actually went on under the ALP watch, what the situation is now, and where it is likely to go.

So try this link I've been sitting on a for a few days.
In simple terms, the 2012-13 budget outcome for the Gillard government reveals record spending cuts, a low tax take and a wafer-thin budget deficit. It is easy to see why the economy recorded less than robust growth during the year. It was not simply the high Australian dollar or the fall in the terms of trade that chipped away at GDP, but the significant fiscal contraction was also a dampener on growth.

The level of net government debt rose by just 0.1% of GDP in 2012-13, to reach 10.1% of GDP. This remains one of the lowest levels of government net debt in the world, with the aggregative change in the debt level from 2007-08 amounting to less than 14% of GDP, which is again one of the smallest increases in debt in the world over that timeframe.

It is easy to see why the credit ratings agencies have no hesitation assigning a triple-A rating to Australia’s government finances and why global investors remain enthusiastic about holding Australian assets.

When releasing the budget outcome last week, Hockey made the outlandish claim that the 2013-14 budget would be a legacy of the Labor Party. The Abbott government is obviously making decisions right now that are impacting on the budget bottom line and, what’s more, Hockey as Treasurer is in control of budget policy right now, today, with nine full months of the financial year remaining, whether he likes it or not.

...and there you have it. The Doublethink and lies needed to gloss over what was essentially a misleading exaggeration of Australia's fiscal position is staggering. If they didn't know then they were stupid. If they knew and still claimed it as loudly as they did, they were liars. But either way, if they're persisting with the incorrect portrayal, trying to push for more political advantage, they are stupid liars. But then, we knew that from the way they treat climate change as an issue.

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