
Turnbull Changes His Mind

Double Take On The Back Flip

Malcolm Turnbull has decided to run again.
Disappointment among constituents in Mr Turnbull’s seat is one of the main reasons the former opposition leader has decided to stay in politics, the Liberal Party says.

‘‘I think there was an overwhelming sense of disappointment in the community when Malcolm announced he was stepping down,’’ NSW Liberal communications director Wendy Black said.

‘‘I think in some respects he was a little surprised how overwhelming the support was.

‘‘He’s also just had two weeks overseas, he’s been in Gallipoli and got back on Thursday.

‘‘I think the time to reflect there and the reaction from the community has persuaded him to change his mind.’’

I hate being wrong. :) But what can you do? He's changed his fricken mind. A man is allowed to change his mind on something as important as his career.

More seriously, it seems Malcolm Turnbull will fight on, which suggests the Lawyers Wives set in the Eastern Suburbs think there should be a ETS and an ETS that the Coalition would at least set the terms for, at that. I also imagine the Lawyers Wives set have no faith whatsoever in Tony the Jesuit Abbott or the North Shore boofhead Joe Hockey. It's interesting how contempt and success work their way in our society.

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