
My Song Of The Week


Sometimes you get a song into your head when you're 14 and it stays with you for a long time afterwards. In my case it's been over 25 years. Consequently, (or as a matter of due dilligence)
I've always wanted to pull this song apart and do a version.
Well, I've done it now and here it is.
I know, I know, it's a cover. But it's a good song!
Next week I'll be doing 'Keep It Dark' by Genesis.


Narky said...

Do you take requests ... ?

I've always been a fan of porno-style music ..

That said, I'm not saying these tunes are stuck in my head ... normally i'm not a fan of the ear worms.

Art Neuro said...

you mean funk?

Narky said...

no idea ...
but porno music is generally pretty funky .. I just dont know if the laymans defination of funk matches the muso's.

Guy said...

Great vocals Art!

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