He also sent in this quote:
"They threw rocks at us a lot, and so we took to carrying rocks with us to throw back at them, there were some serious cave man fights going on in the early days...":

I joined the Army when I was 17. I took the tests and the recruiter said I could do most any of the jobs they had, but of course I foolishly decided to be a tanker. Ever since I was a little kid I'd wanted to be a tank crewman and go off to fight in Iraq, it was my life's dream. I'm the only person I've ever heard of who achieved their greatest goal in life before their 19th birthday.Well, it's easy to do if you set your aim low.
Link 2
the second one in particular is interesting with the video footage.
The war in Iraq is turning into one big steaming shit-pile of political mismanagement. The main problem is that it seems the Bush Administration want it that way so that the MIC have an excuse to keep spending money on companies like Halliburtons.
Man, I really, really, really miss the 1990s. This is a really crappy decade we're living in right now.
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