While 4m Great White Sharks have been taking surfers and divers off the South Australian Coast, it appears Crocodiles have declared war on humanity in the deep north.
A second person was taken by a crocodile within 5 days.
The following is the Reuters report on CNN:
SYDNEY, Australia (Reuters) -- A man is believed to have been killed by a large crocodile while scuba diving off Australia's remote north on Thursday, the second fatal crocodile attack in five days, police said.Who said life wasn't exciting in Australia?
The 56-year-old man was diving with a friend at Trepang Bay on the Cobourg Peninsula, north of tropical Darwin in the Northern Territory, when he was attacked.
The man had sustained injuries consistent with a crocodile attack. His body, which was recovered later on Thursday, was taken to Darwin for examination to determine the cause of death.
Police praised the man's unidentified friend who reported him missing after he failed to surface from a dive.
Despite the shock of the attack, the unidentified friend marked their exact location with a distress beacon before calling for help, which arrived several hours later. He told police he had seen a large crocodile in the area after the attack.
"Despite the pressure of the situation, the man did everything possible to help in the search for the diver," police acting superintendent Dean McMaster said in a statement.
"But for the quick actions of the man, the diver's body may never have been recovered," he said.
In a separate incident last Saturday, 37-year-old British engineer Russell Harris was killed by a large saltwater crocodile while he was snorkelling off Groote Eylandt, an island off the Northern Territory. Police found his body the next day.
About a dozen people have been killed by crocodiles in Australia in the past 20 years. In August, a 60-year-old man was dragged out of a canoe and killed by a crocodile in northeastern Queensland state.
Oh, Oh, Do I Spot Trouble?
The South China Sea gas fields is on of the many issues festering between mainland China and Japan. Japan wants to test-drill th site that is under dispute between the two nations. Thos emissile frigates that China were showing off a few days are directly related to its desire to push its influence across the sea. Problem is, the actual fields are in international waters, so you can see a stoush over this coming up.
Here's the Sankei newspaper report:
The long and short of it is that China doesn't really recognise international treaties covering ocean territories, while Japan is insisting on its claims based on international agreements it has signed and backed. They're saying they don't recognise that there is a neutral zone to be negotiated - it's all theirs according to their 'diplomats'. So they've sent warships into the seas.
On the other hand, Japanese commercial interests are pushing the Japanese government very hard to resolve security issues as they go forwards; they're in a hurry to explore those gas fields. So the pressure on this situation is only going to mount as the two nations stare off at each other. Especially so, after this year's hoohah about history text books.
This is reminiscent of the way the 1895 Sino-Japanese war started, with China sending two battleships to Japan to show off her navy. I do hope we're not seeing history repeating.
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