It's Always An International Incident
Yesterday's big news in Asia was that Prime Minister Koizumi visited he Yasukuni Shrine for the fifth time in his time as Prime Minister. immediately following the report, the state apparatus of Communist China issued rebukes and protests, while the Prime Minster of South Korea canceled a summit meeting with Mr. Koizumi.
Here's a detialed report on how his visit went and unfortunately it's in Japanese, but it offers some interesting insights.
The gist of it goes like this:
He's been going all his adult life. This time, he didn't participate in the full autumn ceremonies, he just went as a private person. He didn't sign in the big visitor's book, nor did he go up the steps to the main hall, but stood back with the general throng. he says this is the way he participated in the ceremonies in the past. He explained his prayer was for peace, and never wanting a war again.
He also points out that it's his religious/spiritual life, and it realy isn't the business of another foreign state to intervene.
Even the former President of Taiwan agrees. He says that it is natural for a head of state to visit the place that commemorates those who have fallen for the state. It's really none of anybody else's business.
There you have it.
It should be noted that there's been a lot of criticism for him from the other side for not going up to the main hall.
靖国神社問題に詳しい大原康男国学院大教授の話 「昇殿ではなく拝殿前参拝となったのはこれまでより後退した印象を抱くが、内外の反対に屈することなく5年連続して参拝したことは十分評価できる。来年8月15日には公約通り参拝し有終の美を飾ってほしい。ポスト小泉の首相もこれにならってほしい」Clearly, there are uncompromising bastards everywhere. Politics being the art of the possible, is filled with compromise. I certainly respect a man who sticks to his guns tenaciously.
日本遺族会顧問の板垣正・元参院議員の話 「かつては首相が春、秋の例大祭に合わせて参拝しており、今回は参拝として正常な姿だ。今後は8月15日も含めて定着させてもらいたい。スパッと決断する小泉流のやり方が総選挙で賛同され、靖国参拝にもつながったのだと思う。中国、韓国への影響は相手の出方次第だが、参拝は日本の国内問題だ」
戦友らでつくる「英霊にこたえる会」の倉林和男運営委員長の話 「なぜ正々堂々と正式参拝できないのか。モーニングも着ず、拝殿前で賽銭(さいせん)を入れるなど、英霊に感謝の誠をささげる一国の首相のやることではない。二礼二拍手一礼をしなくても、最低限昇殿参拝すべきだった」
In some ways Junichiro Koizumi must be the most important Prime Minister of Japan since Shigeru Yoshida after WWII. For a start, he's a Prime Minister that has clearly been carried by the public vote for straight-talking rather than being a Prime Minister who emerged trough factional wranglings. His 5 years in office have been eventful and in some ways very defining of the way Japan has changed since even it's 'Japan as Number One' 1980s 'peak'. He's put into place massive amounts of deregulation and he's shaking up the old profit-interest groups that have made politics in Japan so unpleasant. When I was a kid, we'd laugh at somebody who wanted to be a politician. He is now offering a vision for kids that politics might be noble. In that sense, he is charismatic in a way no other Prime Minister of Japan has been for a long time.
Like it or lump it he's shaping the future and he's here for a while yet.
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