
Shark Attack 01.03.09

Northern Beaches Closed After Attack

Here's the article.
Six northern Sydney beaches remain closed after a teenager was attacked by a shark this morning while surfing with his father.

15-year-old Andrew Lindop suffered severe leg lacerations when he was attacked by a shark about 6.45am at Avalon Beach, in the city's north.

His leg was bitten down to the bone, but police said an examination by ambulance staff indicated he had not suffered any breaks or fractures.

Police said the boy's father heard a scream and turned to see his son thrashing about in the water.

An onlooker says the boy's father helped his son - who was conscious the entire time and joking about the size of the shark - to paddle back to the beach.

A NSW ambulance spokesman said a boy was airlifted to hospital after being attacked in the water at the northern end of Avalon Beach, in the city's north, about 6.45am (AEDT).

I put the over-under of shark attack deaths at 4 this summer but nobody's died just yet. So far the attacks are sitting at 5 to my knowledge. Watch out for the outcry to do something about the sharks soon. The sharks sure are keeping me busy this year. :)

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