In a historic victory over Republican candidate Senator John McCain, the President-elect told a sea of supporters in a Chicago park.So much for the Bradley effect. People really did want change. That vibe was in the air from the moment he got past Hillary to win the nomination. Here's the thing: I ended up rooting for the guy, not because of him, or because of the other guy, but because of history. And when you think about it the first Black POTUS coming to power in our lifetime is historic and worthy of telling your grand-children one day that we were there to see it.
"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where any things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive ... who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer," he said.
Senator Obama told the crowd that his victory belongs "to you", and the voters who turned out did so because they believed this time "must be different and their voices could be that difference".
He said America was not a collection of individuals, but "we are and always will be the United States of America".
He said it was "a long time coming" but "because of what we did on this day" during this election, "change has come to America".
Listing the challenges ahead, including two wars and a financial crisis, Senator Obama said that he was hopeful for America.
"There will be set backs and false starts," he said.
"I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face ... "
Senator Obama congratulated Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin for all they had achieved and looked forward to working with them.
He said Senator McCain had "endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine".
Of course if you're one of those people rootin' for the other side, you're probably thinking, "Fuck, how did that happen?"
It happened like this: George W Bush's Presidency was so-o-o-o bad, that America was willing to vote in a relative newcomer, a relatively inexperienced executive, and a black man to boot, rather than return the GOP to power. That is to say, America said that a young black man with relatively less experience than his white counterpart, had to be a better choice than the guy who was going to follow in GWBs footsteps - And that simply blows me away. GWB was so bad, that...
...Ahh, fuggedaboutit.
The point is, change has come at last. It's been a long time coming.
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