The latest thing with DNA testing seems to be checking paternities. I mean, if it were me, I'd do it immediately after birth, but it seems this is difficult in some cases. 18 men have been cleared and so the women who have been pulling in Child Support from these guys have to pay back what they owe.I think this is kind of cool.
More than 300 men have been cleared by DNA of being fathers. Documents obtained under Freedom of Information show orders for $171,567 to be returned have so far been made against the mothers.
Angry women's groups said last night that it would be the children at the centre of the disputes who would suffer most if money were paid back.
The money is being garnisheed from mothers' incomes by the Child Support Agency in the same way that payments are taken from the wages of non-custodial fathers.
In each case the duped men were able to prove beyond doubt in the courts they were not the fathers based on DNA paternity testing.
The next bit got my attention:
But making mothers pay back child support was last night condemned by women's groups.
Sole Parent's Union president Kathleen Swinbourne said garnisheeing a mother's wages would only hurt the child.
"The money has already been spent on rearing the child," she said. "If the mother is forced to pay it back, its hard to imagine the child won't be disadvantaged."
She said men should raise doubts about paternity when they are first told they are a father.
Men's Rights Agency director Sue Price said men wrongly named as a father of a child were entitled to justice.
She said all child support payments made by a man should be "refunded in full" by the Child Support Agency where paternity is successfully challenged and then recouped from the woman.
"A woman's knows who she's been with in a particular month," she said.
"They must know if there is any doubt about whether the man they are pointing their finger at is actually the father."
You'd think so, wouldn't you?
I don't quite get the Sole Parent' Union logic that taking the money from the mother after the money had been spent would hurt the child. Yes it would, but the child wasn't entitled to that money form that man in the first place. That's the point of the law - it's tough cheese for the kid, but the mother's to blame for lying in the first place.
Of course it's a 2-way street. This dude was told he wasn't the father through DNA testing and so will lose contact with the girl he thought was his daughter forever. Listen pal, it's a good thing.
I Don't Get This Either, Nor Do I Want To
This guy had sex with his wheel-chair bound mother and is now headed for jail.
The 26-year-old man moved from Western Australia in February this year to live with his mother in Darwin.
On May 29, they were watching television when he told her: "Why don't women want me. I can't get no women here," the Northern Territory Supreme Court was told.
The son then pulled his mother's pants down, took a condom out of his wallet, and had sex with her.
They had sex again before the mother got into her wheelchair and went to her bedroom.
The woman - who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis and has been dependent on a wheelchair for the past seven years - told her doctor about the incident the following day and the man was arrested.
He pleaded guilty to two counts of having sex with a person knowing that the person was his mother.
In the Northern Territory Supreme Court in Darwin today, Justice Sally Thomas sentenced the man, who cannot be named, to three years in prison with a non-parole period of six months.
Justice Thomas said the mother had felt "betrayed, lost, lonely and very upset".
But she said the son, who was drunk at the time of the offence, was "extremely remorseful".
She said the fact that he had been raised by his father in Western Australia meant the two did not share "a normal mother-child bond".
I guess they don't. What a Motherfucker.
Gag me with a spoon, that's just plain wrong. I don't think I'll be writing a song about that one, by the way.
DNA Justice - It's issues like these that have led me to believe that feminism is not going to lead us to gender equality. Women's rights groups have pushed some very unfair agendas in recent years. I remember a few years back there was a move to restrict DNA testing so that mothers have the right to prevent it from taking place. The rationale was to prevent situations where children lose child support money.
Apparently no-one has considered the possibility of getting the real father to pay, once a mistake has been identified. I think this is the only realistic option, because I can't see many single mothers having any ability to pay back the child support. As the article says, the money has already been spent on raising the child, there's no way to get it back.
It makes me wonder why DNA testing is not mandatory in cases where child support is getting paid. It would save a lot of trouble later on...
Totally agree with you on all of that.
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