
More Moneyball

Paul DePodesta Starts A Blog

Remember Paul DePodesta? Sure you do. He was Billy Beane's 'boy-genius' sidekick in their amazing adventure chronicled in 'Money Ball'. Since leaving the A's he's been the GM of the Dodgers whereupon he was sacked after only 2 seasons, but has now caught on with the San Diego Padres.
What's more interesting is that he's started a Blog.
I began thinking about hosting a blog about a year ago, and back in January I took the first big step by starting an internal blog for employees of the Padres. The idea all along was to someday create an external blog to engage in a direct dialogue with our fans. Well, given the events of the past few weeks, that "someday" is now.

There are already some thoughtful and intelligent conversations taking place at other sites, like http://www.ducksnorts.com/, http://www.gaslampball.com/, and of course, http://www.padres.com/ (in addition to many others). Nevertheless, hopefully you'll find it useful to have some unfiltered access to our internal conversations and feelings. We'll have to figure out the rules as we go since I won't be able to share everything, but I think it's important to open this avenue right now.

So, I'm here, and I'd like to be a part of the conversation. I'll do my best to reply to comments/questions, though I can't promise punctual responses or regular posts. After all, just like everyone else out there, I already have a job. :-)
Is this a hoax, I wondered, but it seems to be the real deal. So as of now, there's a permanent link to it on the side bar to the right. Yup, I'm interested - more interested than Robert Fripp's daily blog.

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