As we all know, there is much conroversy surrounding the Yasukuni Shrine. Prime Ministers of Japan want to visit. Many Japanese politicians do visit the place in droves. Yet it houses the graves of those convicted as 'A' Class War criminals from Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal. And that bit seems to create a lot of tension with Mainland China who have a lot of political capital to gain by harping on about WWII to Japan. It's craven, but all politics is craven. :)
Today, we find out that the late Showa Emperor made a point of not visiting the Yasukuni Shrine after 1975 because it the Shrine interred the bodies of the 'A' class War Criminals.
Here's the news item.
昭和天皇が靖国神社のA級戦犯合祀(ごうし)に関し、「だから私はあれ以来参拝していない。それが私の心だ」などと語ったとするメモを、当時の富田朝彦宮内庁長官(故人)が残していたことが20日、明らかになった。The gist of it is that a courtier Tomohiko Tomita died and left memos of his conversations with the late Showa Emperor, and in it we find that he clearly states he doesn't go there because of the people interred there. It shows that he felt quite uncomfortable about that development and disapproved of the Shinto priest who organised the 'A' Class War Criminals to be interred. Which is to say, he greatly detested Yosuke Matsuoka and Toshio Shiratori for their roles in pushing Japan towards a war with America and the British Commonwealth.
遺族によると、富田氏は昭和天皇との会話を日記や手帳に詳細に記していた。このうち88年4月28日付の手帳に「A級が合祀され その上 松岡、白取までもが」「松平の子の今の宮司がどう考えたのか 易々(やすやす)と 松平は平和に強い考(え)があったと思うのに 親の心子知らずと思っている だから私(は)あれ以来参拝していない それが私の心だ」などの記述がある。
(2006年7月20日13時1分 読売新聞)
This is an interesting development because it's going to add momentum to the political argument that the 'A' Class War Criminals should not be interred at the Yasukuni Shrine. At the same time, it's going to bolster the claims of future prime ministers who will be able to say, the Yasukuni Shrine is not about honoring War Criminals, but it's about the war dead.
They're already predicting it will influence the thinking of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.
昭和天皇は1978年にA級戦犯が合祀されて以降、同神社に参拝していない。メモは、明確になっていないその意図を探る貴重な資料であるとともに、小泉純一郎首相の靖国参拝にも影響を与えそうだ。It's also possible that it's going to open up a lot of debating as to what to do with these 'A' Class War Criminals' graves.
The issue of War Crimes is another debate, so I'm not getting into that today.
Here's another article on the heels of the news.
It essentially says PM Koizumi won't change his position about anything. He believes his visits fall under freedom of religion, which is probably correct. Though, it does create a lot of diplomatic tension. Surely some of it is provocation on the part of Koizumi himself. Having said that, he is the out-going Prime Minister. The likely successors are making different noises: Shinzo Abe points out that "the 'A' Class War Criminals were tried and found guilty by the War Crimes Tribunal so it is not the position of this Government ot argue otherwise."
In other words he may push to have the 'A' Class War Criminals to be moved out of Yasukuni Shrine should he succeed Junichiro Koizumi.
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