Yeah, Yeah, Whatever...
The way I blog is to have google news throw headlines at me and I pick the ones that look like things I'd be interested in. Which explains the crazy variety of topics that come up on this weblog.
Recently, events around the world have hotted up so I've written more about those things more than some of my more favourite concerns, such as the New York Yankees. So with this entry, I'm determined to make note of the Yankees plus a couple of other things.
I know World War III is about to errupt out in the Holy Land and what have you, but there are more interesting things in this world than state-sponsored-spectacles of killing and maiming.
How Are The Yankees Doing?
They're doing great, thank you very much. Instead of completely falling out of the pennant race after Matsui and Sheffield got injured, they've managed to stay right in the thick of it. Going into the All-Star break, they were 3.5 games behind Boston. Thanks to some fine playing they're now only half a game behind. Mind you, The Bososx are playing the Royals this series while the Yankees have been mixing it with the Mariners, but the sweep against the reigning World Champions ChiSox was pretty darn good. with 60-odd games to go, this is all looking very exciting.
How Are My Fantasy Teams Doing?
Quite okay in the Jack Kerouac Memorial League. I'm managing to stay in first place this week so far. It didn't look like I'd crack the Top 3 this season, but a few things have fallen into place and it's looking not too bad at all.
My AFL team also notched up a win over the weekend. While that season is essentially over for me, there's a vague hope I'll finish in the top 8 if only my team can get 2 wins out of 3 in the three remaining matches. Of course then I looked at my remaining 3 opponents and thought, "Won't happen".
Recording Sessions
Our good friend Chris, a.k.a. 'Pharmakeus' was up from Canberra last week and he recorded some guitar over 2 nights. They'll be making their way into recordings that I'll post up at iCompositions soon. Recording guitar solos are difficult. Performances are so hard to wrangle. I don't know why. It just seems to be so.
One of the songs we worked on was 'Turning Wheel of Science', a track I've already done a version of, but Michelle Z really wanted to have a shot at singing it, so we're doing another version. I daresay this version is turning out much *nicer*. It's an old song we used to attempt in the rehearsal studio but it was simply too hard.
We're also doing another track called 'Americans' which is an old warhorse of a song from when I was in the band 'Vega V'. This version however, incorporates a whole lot more arranegment and studio gimickry. It has expanded to over 48 tracks. It's simply the largest musical project I've had to mix on my Mac so far. The scope of it is enormous.
The third song for which he recorded a solo, is 'Macondo 'Bongo', a re-telling of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's 'One Hundred Years of Solitude'. That was probably the most friction-free session.
Anyway, keep an eye out for these tracks in the coming months. These tracks are a lot more ambitious than the prevous fare.
iCompositions Thoughts
In the last month I've come across some truly astounding pieces of recording on the site. It's made me re-think my involvement at the site on top of the pondering I was doing already. In a nutshell, there are some serious professionals doing some seriously professional stuff on that site. It really made me think, "What the hell am I doing showing my stuff when there are people like this, who don't pull punches?"
As a result I've taken down most of my tracks. Some of them, I've archived onto my archive site at Multiuply.com, which you can find on the right column. Others, I will be re-appraising and hoping to do new versions. Of course after I took down my tracks, the fellas at iComp started offering an archiving option, but it's much better this way.
The long and short of it is, I just don't want to be damned on the basis of one of my many 'experiments'. If I'm going to experiment, I'm going to post them up at MacIdol or somthing. I'm only going to post up songs I'm serious about at iComp. It's all about the single now.
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