Lean In Over The Plate, Helmet First
I'm not the best team player. I hate taking one for the team.
Recently, on the Aquarium film, we've been trying to source footage from a company that shot the construction of the Aquarium over 4 years. It's run by a boss who has a chip on his shoulder about being Okinawan. Negotiations have been tortuous and at one point they accused me of lying -Which was just crap - and *naturally* I blew up at them and it all went into freefall.
I've lost faith in this man's word; after 10 weeks of 'non-delivery of goods', one is entitled to think it's been you who has been played for a fool. In recent days, the New Zealnd Government has stepped in to rectify the situation and of course one meeting led to another and it came down to me having to call this boss fellow one more time and... grovel.
"I'm calling up to say I'm sorry. I'm apologising for all the misunderstanding and the ill-will and everything negative associated with this situation...."
Grovel, grovel, grovel. Mmmmm, I didn't know humble pie tasted so good.... Not.
So I did all that, and got another meaningless commitment out of this man; which has been the recurring pattern all along. And I can't tell you just how much it sucks to eat that much humble pie when you don't think the results will be there to show for it.
Speaking Of Which

Theme Of This Weblog Is Actually 'Stupidity'
I know what it says up top, but I'm beginning to think that this blog is a meditation on the infinite stupidity of people in charge. There's something about power that makes people lose about 35% of their IQ. May be the rarefied air up there is short of oxygen and people get brain-damaged as they climb the ladder and gain more power.
Today, I offer you Tony Blair.
Mr Blair refused to accede to those demands in his press conference. But the promise to backbenchers to allow his successor "an appropriate amount of time" to establish himself as leader was described as "a step forward" by a former Labour whip.Now there's a man who doesn't know his jig is up. Anybody for a bit of Weapons of Mass Destruction?
Mr Blair's words appeared to cool the febrile atmosphere that had been building in Westminster, intensifying after Labour's poor showing in last week's local elections.
A senior party official said that at last night's meeting Mr Blair had reiterated his pledge of an "orderly transition". While there was criticism from some speakers of Labour's poor election performance, he said, many of those present were entirely content with Mr Blair's assurances on the handover.
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