The soyuz casule was moved in preparation of an upcoming moonwalk.
MOSCOW - The two men living in orbit on board the international space station moved their Soyuz spacecraft on Friday to clear a dock for a planned spacewalk, Moscow mission control said.
Russia’s Valery Tokarev piloted the Soyuz to the Zarya cargo module on a quick 19-minute cruise that freed up the Pirs dock, which serves as an air lock.
Tokarev and NASA astronaut Bill McArthur arrived at the station in October and conducted the first spacewalk of their six-month orbital stint earlier this month from the U.S.-built Quest air lock. For their second spacewalk, the two will don Russian-made spacesuits and exit through the Pirs hatch.
It's from MSNBC.
Wowsers And More Porn Warnings
Your kid's iPod might have porn on it.
But users can also download graphic adult movie clips to the devices, meaning children could potentially watch whatever they want, whenever they want -- away from adult supervision.
Det. Ian Lamond of the Toronto Police Services Child Exploitation Unit told CTV News he believes some schools may eventually ban photo cellphones and iPods from school property.
"Technology is a great thing but it also makes everything bad, worse," Lamond said. "So anything that anyone wants to do illegally with an iPod or any other storage device can do that quite easily."
Technology expert Kris Abel said many parents believe their own safeguards on home computers are enough to protect their children.
But with Internet sites giving step by step easy instructions on how to put porn on your portable storage player, home computer safety programs might not be enough.
Abel said it's as simple as using one connecting wire to download adult images and kids can share questionable material with their friends.
Oh lord, no. May be they'll discover the dirty little secret called 'sex'. :)
Today;s Quick Shot At the ID-iots
This was in the Washington Post. I've seen the Kreuthammer name before in Time. It's eloquently put:
Let's be clear. Intelligent design may be interesting as theology, but as science it is a fraud. It is a self-enclosed, tautological "theory" whose only holding is that when there are gaps in some area of scientific knowledge -- in this case, evolution -- they are to be filled by God. It is a "theory" that admits that evolution and natural selection explain such things as the development of drug resistance in bacteria and other such evolutionary changes within species but also says that every once in a while God steps into this world of constant and accumulating change and says, "I think I'll make me a lemur today." A "theory" that violates the most basic requirement of anything pretending to be science -- that it be empirically disprovable. How does one empirically disprove the proposition that God was behind the lemur, or evolution -- or behind the motion of the tides or the "strong force" that holds the atom together?
In order to justify the farce that intelligent design is science, Kansas had to corrupt the very definition of science, dropping the phrase " natural explanations for what we observe in the world around us," thus unmistakably implying -- by fiat of definition, no less -- that the supernatural is an integral part of science. This is an insult both to religion and science.
We know this, but it's nice to knoww a commentator put it so clearly.
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