Or For That Matter, 'Stupid"
The 21st century version of the monkeytrial is drawing to a close.
POf course we find this moronic op-ed piece from the shallow parts of he gene pool known as Indianapolis, USA. It's sidesplittingly funny and earnest in its desire to stay, religious, ignorant of the facts and wilfully stupid.
Proponents of evolution may object to the General Assembly wading into this subject. Science education ought to be left to scientists, under their reasoning. But the experts have a big disagreement, and the root of the matter lies not so much in science but in bigger questions.
Meanwhile, Republicans in the House are considering whether to require teaching of both sides of the issue. Several other state legislatures are tackling the subject as well, and U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., has put the Senate on record in favor of teaching both sides.
In Indiana, the issue may not fall along strictly party lines. State Rep. Peggy Welch, D-Bloomington, is sympathetic to teaching both sides. "There is plenty of evidence that evolution is a theory, and yet it is taught as fact," she said. "Why is there only one way of thinking taught? Intelligent design is providing information to our children about a lot of different possibilities."
If science teachers don't want interference from state legislatures or other non-scientists, they will have to stick with science. When they insist on exclusively teaching that we evolved from lower forms of life over billions of years, they have wandered outside their realm of expertise.
I couldn't stop laughing at the last bit. Isn't it exactly the realm of science's expertise to point out that "we evolved from lower forms of life over billions of years"? So in saying that it's not, the nitwit is saying:
1) he doesn't want to know.
2) he doesn't want it explained, because he probably won't understand.
3) he'd like to keep with the fairy tale bed-time stories instead of real hard scientific facts
4) he wants everybody else's kids to grow up wifully ignorant and stupid as he is.
The scary part is, that this kind of sentiment is voting in George W. Bush; and GWB is the head of state to the most powerful state on this planet. We live in sad times.
The shame is you can't send these feeble minds back to school because it'd be a waste of money; but heck, they still get a vote. Aah, the beauty of Democracy.
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