
Wag the Dog
Check this out.
Sort of explains a lot.

Your Parents Are Your Worst Enemies
You know your parents are your worst enemy when they stiff you you on your share.
I recently collected zero from the property-sale that showed 28k net capital gain when my shouldered risk was 40%.
My old man justified him taking all of the 28k on the grounds that it made up for his 'opportunity cost' for having put his momney into the venture when he could have collected the same interest in the bank. Needless to say I'm disgusted.
Afterwards he said I should get a steady job so he can help me with a mortgage again. I gagged and choked on a roasted almond, wishing I could die on the spot.

- Art Neuro

1 comment:

David said...

Your not dreaming. That is 'an absolute bastard'. I have a book for you to read called "Toxic Parents". Seriously, this book might be helpful to you.


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