...have signed a pact to cooperate in space. Brazil has the Alcantra launch facility, close to the equator. Why don't we have a luanch site on Cape York? Grrr!!!
The document signed by Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Russian President Vladimir Putin evokes "development of a modernized version" of Brazil's satellite launch rocket known as the VLS-1 as well as development of new models.
It also calls for joint work on development of geostationary satellites to be used for communication and navigation and for cooperation on improving the infrastructure at Brazil's Alcantara launch facility.
While the memorandum of understanding spelled out no timetable, Lula said it gave Brazil "renewed optimism and determination" to pursue its national plans for launching commercial satellites from the Alcantara site. The Alcantara facility is located near the equator, which makes satellite launches considerably less costly, and Brazil has made clear its intention to become a viable space power.
Brazil! A Space power! Come on Canberra. Where is your vision thing?! Where's 'The Plan' for a Space Industry, goddamnit!
- Art Neuro
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