
'Not Mine' Kampf
Mr. Peter Raubal is a distant relative of the late and not-so-crash-hot-dictator Adolf Hitler. It turns out he would be able to sue the German government for back royalties, seeing that he is the heir to Adolf Hitler's estate by a process of elimination. For personal and moral reasons, this person has declined the blood-money. His late father Leo Raubal, on the other hand sounds like a nut-bar NAZI holdover.

Hitler died with no immediate heirs but Leo Raubal was one of his half-sister Angela Raubal's children. Maser said Leo Raubal long considered such a lawsuit before his death in 1979. Bild am Sonntag said royalties could be worth millions of euros.

"Yes I know the whole story about Hitler's inheritance," Peter Raubal told Bild am Sonntag in what the paper said were his first public comments on the issue. "But I don't want to have anything to do with it. I will not do anything about it. I only want to be left alone."

Which is sort of funny and sad. Certainly if the Raubals were the heir to the Hitler '(mis)fortune', then they would also be the guy the Israeli government would chase after for gazillions in damage payouts and an apology.

- Art Neuro

1 comment:

DaoDDBall said...

At least he doesn't have to worry about changing his name, as he might had he been related to Hitlers brother, and not his sister. One could imagine trying to soften the gutteral sound 'Himler?'

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