Thanks to loyal reader Mr. Conservative Weasel, we have this interesting article to ponder.
In particular I'd like to point out this segment:
Fiorina said the most fundamental reason for sending robots and astronauts into the universe is, "If we don't do it, someone will." She cited China's burgeoning space program, as well as that of Russia and India. The president's initiative also will help preserve America's technological leadership, currently threatened by the exodus of high-tech manufacturing jobs overseas, she said.Now our position is that she has conceived it entirely wrong-headedly. "If we don't go, then we as a species are all doomed to die on this planet" should be the way it gets couched.
"We have to really help people make that connection," she said.
Right now, I'm bog tired, with one more day of principal photography to go.
- Art Neuro