
Cyberpunk Chronicles

I Was A Teenage Cyberpunk

Back in the days before the internet and blogging and all the other things that make 21st century life so convenient and autistic, was the 1990s throughout which I was bumbling around with a bunch of dumb ideas from 80s science fiction. So I went to that prestigious film school and made a dumb little science fiction movie based on the same bad science fiction ideas and that led to me running into a guy who wanted to do this multimedia phantasmagoria electronic dance music act meets U2's Fly show which was a big thing after their Aching Baby album. They needed a guitar player and hey presto, I was their guy. 

And that led to a a bunch of songs being written and recorded and going in and out of record company meeting rooms in Tokyo, which, to be honest was a dumb fucking idea, but you had to see it from this outfit's point of view - you couldn't get closer to the future by operating out of Sydney. You want to be trans-orbital, global and a lot closer to the future, which, Tokyo seemed to be at the time. 

Anyway, that act eventually folded like all acts that don't quite get off the ground. I went and joined other bands and left that project behind. But that period also coincided with the recession we had to have, where nobody young got a serious look in at employment, and so I wrote a huge song book in my abundant spare time. That songbook sat in my drawer until well and truly into the second decade of the 21st century whereupon I figured it was time to see if there was any life in these songs.  

Then came the pandemic. 

When you're sitting around at home being almost halfway to unemployment working only 2 days a week, you tend to want to fill your time with finishing old projects - and this is how this damn record came about. I don't know what happened to the other members of that weird outfit from the 1990s. I've tried googling and facebook and what-have-you but I've not seen nary a peep out of them. I guess it's just one of those things where you recognise you meet people, you spend some important time with them and then you part ways. The chronicling comes way after the events.  

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